Volunteer Opportunities

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R.E.D.E.E.M.E.D. Prison Ministry

The REDEEMED Prison Ministry at The Fountain of Praise is a Volunteer Chaplaincy with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. We serve the men and women incarcerated in the State Facilities through one-on-one mentoring, small group instruction, and faith based services. We offer reentry services through clothing, work related skills, and employment to reduce the rate of recidivism in the state of Texas.


  • Prison Ministry by nature is one which requires a confidence in the call to this Ministry.
  • Primary importance is that a member cannot have a recent history with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. This has retarded our exponential growth.
  • An application process is required by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice


  • We have several members who have been released and after a period of time have been granted approval to volunteer in the same units where they were once incarcerated. 
  • The Fountain of Praise has a 0% recidivism rate. Those members who are released from incarceration and remained in contact with the prison ministry have not returned to a facility and many are now off parole!  
  • Members who were incarcerated are now employed, receiving benefits and are managers at their place of employment. This has afforded the ministry an open door to employment resources for other ex-offenders.


We are Restorative Justice Houston



MINISTRY MEETINGS: Odd Months of the year - Every 3rd Tuesday @7:00 PM

MINISTRY LEADER: Trennie Henry and George “Doc” Houston

MINISTRY EMAIL: Prisonministry@tfop.org